Friday, February 24, 2012

Jacki’s Fluffy Orange Fruit Dip, Mint Brownies

Yesterday I made the Orange Fruit Dip and Mint Brownies and they were both delicious.  The fruit dip was very easy to put together.  I served it with pineapple, strawberries, and bananas.   I also made the other fruit dip in the book a couple of weeks ago and it is really good also.  Just don’t use Walmart brand of cream cheese – it doesn’t mix very smoothly.  With the orange fruit dip I used Whole Foods brand and it mixed up perfectly.  The brownies were pretty easy to make as well and really tasted good.  I forgot to add the green food coloring but that was fine.  I halved the recipe and cooked it in an 8x8 inch glass pyrex dish  for 25 minutes.  Next time I think I would decrease the time to 22 or 23 minutes.  I served both of these dishes to the YW leaders at a luncheon/meeting at my house and they all loved them.  I also served the BBQ chicken Cobb salad from the book and they liked that as well.  (at least they said they liked it all:)  I am planning on making the pasta salad soon and will let you know how that goes.

Jacki's Pics 030

Jacki's Pics 031

1 comment:

Audrey said...

The brownies & fruit & dip looked very tasty! I haven't made the brownies yet, but have the dip & it was good! Good idea to have other people over to help eat it all:)