Monday, December 27, 2010

Dana & Audrey's Soup & Salad

Our soup ingredients
Dana cooking the onions
Adding the seasonings
Ready to eat!
This was a fun recipe to cook up. Usually we just open up a can of tomato soup and zap it in the microwave. We followed the recipe, except we didn't add the sherry. It would be interesting to try it with the sherry in it. Also, some of us liked the chunks of tomato and some didn't. Also we put in the 6 tablespoons of sugar that Ree does and that was way too sweet!
The Ranch dressing and lettuce wedges were also fun to make, since we usually just set out store bought dressing and torn up lettuce in a bowl. The dressing was very easy to make and of course the lettuce wedges easy also. Some of us liked the dressing and some didn't. I don't care for mayonnaise, so I didn't care for it. Dana said that she and Brandon made some and let it sit longer and they liked it better. I'm happy with my store bought dressing :)
I think that we would make both of these recipes again, but with some changes to suit our family's tastes better :)

1 comment:

Jacki's travels said...

Excellent and thorough review. It was a pretty rich soup.