Friday, January 22, 2010

Jacki’s Risotto

Last night I made the risotto and it was absolutely delicious!   In fact, after Rich ate his and wanted a second serving he asked “is this good for me? …..must not be if it tastes this good!”  I followed the recipe as written with asparagus and mushrooms etc.  I had never cooked a shallot before that I can remember.  It was time consuming with all the slicing and dicing prep work and then all the stirring but it was definitely worth it.  I did end up cooking it for about 30 minutes instead of the 20 Robin estimated.  I was worried the asparagus would not get cooked but it did.  I served it with pork chops and a fruit salad.   I really enjoyed making this dish.  We ate dinner rather late and I was too full to make the poached pears plus the pears I bought were not totally ripe so a day or so to soften will be good.  Maybe I will make the pear dessert tonight.  I hope the rest of you will get a chance to make the risotto because it is really good. 

Jacki's Pics 097


Leslee said...

Oh it looks quite lovely. I don't think the risotto is too much worse than your typical rice dish. It is very tasty and worth the work every once in a while.

didi said...

I am so glad Rich liked it too!!! Yep such a gourmeish dish!!! so, so good. I made ours last week my lap top is giving me a hard time downloading pictures I will post mine soon.