Monday, December 27, 2010

Audrey's Cinnamon Roll's

Dough ready to roll out
all rolled out

butter, cinnamon and sugar on and ready to roll up

Ready to cut up
Ready to rise

Fresh out of the oven

All iced up

Ready to eat!
I made these a week before Christmas as I was giving some of them to friends. I followed the recipe and it was fairly simple. The dough was very easy to make and to work with, you just have to not rush with adding the yeast too soon :) I don't think that my logs were as long as hers, so I didn't get as many rolls as she said, but that was fine. I used the aluminum pie tins as I was giving some of them away. They baked just fine, but I would like to try them in a thicker pan, as I think that they will cook more evenly that way. Also, I think that I needed to add more milk than I did to the icing as it was a little too thick, but it worked out. I only iced the cinnamon rolls in the pans that I was giving away, as not all of my family likes icing on theirs. I usually just let my family ice their own. I have never had maple icing on cinnamon rolls before and I really like it. We did think that the rolls were very sweet, so the next time I would cut back on the sugar. It was another fun recipe to make, especially at this time of year.

1 comment:

Jacki's travels said...

Your cinnamon rolls look really good. Thanks for all of your feedback and tips. I agree with the thick icing. I want to try the recipe again with a few adjustments.