Saturday, June 12, 2010

Beef over egg noodles, salad with corn and mango rice pudding

We really liked this dish and the salad was delicious, my mom used to put corn in our salads I had forgotten how tasty it is. I followed the recipe pretty close (for a change) I decided to use beef shank for it's flavor and consistency - besides being cheaper- I always like shank for stews and saucy dishes. I cooked in the crock pot and added fresh herbs at the end. The rice pudding was amazing I even gave some to Alexandro's guitar teacher. I don't use instant rice so i made my regular recipe with coconut and condensed milk and just added the dried mango to it, hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........


Jacki's travels said...

Everything looks very good. What is your regular recipe for rice pudding?

didi said...

1/2 cinamom stick, 3 cloves, 2 cups white rice 5 cups water, cook rice untill soft and runny, (This is when I added the dry mango) add 1 can condensed milk, 1 can coconut milk cook to desired consistency.Hummmmmmm
Love to eat it in the morning for breakfast (You can add raisins)
So, so good

Jacki's travels said...

It does sound really good - thanks. I will give it a try.