Monday, September 24, 2012

Recipe for the Week

Hello Ladies!

Sorry I am a day late.  For this week I let my husband look through the cookbook and pick out what he thought sounded good.  He picked:

Honey-Plum-Soy Chicken, on pages 197-199.

The recipe calls for 3 cups of red wine.  I did a quick google search and looked up some possible substitutions for red wine, for those that don't want to cook with it.  I came across grape juice, apple juice, beef or chicken stock, a little splash of vinegar added to any of the already mentioned, etc.  Or cooking wine.  I am sure there are other options out there that I could find if I put a little more time to it.  I think I might go with the grape juice since it is the same color about and maybe sort of the same flavor...

I was also considering trying this recipe with chicken breasts instead of the thighs...just to make it a bit healthier, but I don't know how successful that will be.  I'm still thinking about it :)

Anyway, happy cooking!

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