Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Yummy Tangy Pork and Coconut Rice

I loved these two dishes from the toasted coconut flecks in the rice all through to the scallions on the top of the chops.  It was a delicious meal!  I used olive oil to cook the chops in.  They were plump boneless pork loin chops and took longer to cook than called for in the recipe but that was fine.  I am glad I read the previous reviews because I cooked them until done before I added the sauce.  It took my sauce the whole five minutes of cooking suggested before it thickened up but I might have added a bit more pineapple juice from the can because I just used some from a larger can.  The orange juice gives the sauce more of a tang than the usual sweet and sour sauce which was a nice change.  I thought there was plenty of sauce for the rice and 4 chops.  I really liked the coconut rice but,  like Leslee, I used a rice cooker and I think the coconut or thicker-than-water coconut milk confused the rice cooker because it kept clicking off before the rice was done so I just kept turning it back on.  I think using instant rice or cooking regular rice on the stove top might be better for this recipe.  But, it did get done and I loved the smooth flavor the coconut milk added.  These two recipes were very easy to make and the directions were clearly written.  I added steamed broccoli as a side dish.  This meal was the perfect lead- in to watching and enjoying Biggest Loser on TV with a flavorful bowl of vanilla ice cream topped with fresh berries!  (It is highly recommended to eat a bowl of ice cream while watching BL:)  I think the rest of you will really enjoy this meal.

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1 comment:

Leslee said...

Your meal looks very good especially with some broccoli on the side!