Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Heidi's shredded pork and cilantro pinapple rice

I fixed this a couple of weeks ago in the crockpot and I loved it!  The meat was excellent and I will fix it again FOR SURE.  I really liked the rice, but my family wasn't huge fans of it.  I had leftovers for lunch a couple of times.  It was actaully really good that I fixed this in the crockpot the day that I did.  I fixed it on Tuesday, August 30th.  That was the day before we had the big fires near our house.  There was a fire close-by so I started packing some of our things in case we needed to evacuate.  It was great that the dinner was pretty much ready to eat since we watched the news all late afternoon and evening. 

1 comment:

Audrey said...

Glad that you guys liked the meal & glad that the fires didn't get any closer than they did! Also, I was the only one in my family that liked the rice :(