Thursday, October 22, 2009

Heidi's Fish N Chips

Last night we had the Fish N Chips dinner. I didn't fix the sald since I didn't have any lettuce on hand. I used cod for the fish. It was pretty good; however I had a hard time getting the fish to cook evenly. I think that if I fix it next time I will add salt and pepper to the fish and probably fry it. I know that it is much healthier to bake it; but I think that I would like the crispiniess a little better. The potatoes were good although I think that I sliced some of them too thin. Kenton thought that this meal was "fine"... that has been what he has said about all of these but I thought that it was pretty good and would try it again with a few changes. Ashley of course cleaned her plate, no problem and Connor sat and whined at the table and we finally got him to eat about 10 bites after much negotiation.
Good choice Nika! I'll try to fix the salad next week sometime.


Leslee said...

Looks good! I think that frying it would add a nice crunch to it.

Jacki's travels said...

I think "fine" is a very diplomatic response:). Way to go Ashley on cleaning the plate. I agreed with your comments on frying the fish - I would like to try it sometime.

Nika said...

That is what Sterling always says too when he is not sure about something and I ask him how he likes it. "fine" I know better though. I will be making mine tomorrow or tonight I think. I have to go to the store since we have been out of town.

Heidi said...

Ha! Fine for Kenton means that he doesn't really want it again. :) Where is the adventure in that!?