Tuesday, October 6, 2009

“That curry dish”-Nika

I was feeling ambitious yesterday so I headed out to the store with the babies to get my shopping done for the week and pick up the ingredients for the stew.  I had most of the things in the pantry already, just needed the veggies.  While the kids were having their naps I made the dinner, even though it was only 3:00.  It was pretty straightforward but I think that the times she puts are a bit of a stretch.  I work pretty efficiently in the kitchen and it took me at least as long as she said.  Anyway, I had never used coconut milk before, but I had a few cans in the pantry and was pleased with the opportunity to try them in something.   I was a little suprised when I opened it and it was solid in the can!  I read the label and it said this is normal and it tasted good so I used it.  I used fresh ginger which is probably a must in this dish.  It is always better than powdered.  If you are not sure about how to use it you find it in a basket in the produce section at your grocery store.  There are usually lots of big pieces but if you look around in there you can find a little one, that’s all you really need.   When you get it home,  peel the amount you think you will need with a spoon.  Basically you are just scraping off the thin skin and then cut it off the rest of the root and chop it finely.  You can put the rest in a a baggie in the freezer and it will keep for as long as you need it to, just pull it out and chop some off when you need.  Not sure if this is the proper way to handle ginger, but that’s what I have always done.

I followed the recipe pretty closely, but used regular broth instead of reduced sodium and regular rice instead of instant.  It smelled great while it was cooking and Sterling was very interested in it when he came home.  I was wondering how he would like it since he claims to not care for curry or coconut flavor.  When he saw me taking a picture of the bowl it dawned on him that it must be “that curry dish”  I had talked about making.   He tried it and thought it was “pretty good for curry” and that it was pretty much like chicken soup.  He probably would have liked it even more if he didn’t know it was curry.  IMG_7615

Isabelle really liked it, of course, she takes after me.  I thought the ginger added a great layer of flavor and overall it was good and I would make it again.  I think that there is kind of a lot of broth and that you could definitely add more veggies to that amount of liquid.  It seems more soupy than stewy to me. 


P.S.  I haven’t made the dessert yet because there was a tasty blueberry pie in our fridge that my mom made that I HAD to finish first.


Leslee said...

Excellent review. I made mine last night too, I will put it up. I felt the same way about the soupy-ness. Goodjob getting started right away!

Jacki's travels said...

Excellent review. I did buy the real ginger for this recipe and I did just as you said and rooted around the bin at Whole Foods until I found a nice small thumb size piece. Your picture looks quite tasty and I am looking forward to trying it. Maybe I will add less broth and see how that does.

Heidi said...

Good write up. Grandma Burrows and I are fixing the recipes on Thursday so we won't be as late this week! Nika, it is too funny that you mentioned Sterling's reaction. Kenton doesn't really like it when I try new recipes and Connor claims everytime he comes to the table the he doesn't like this; so this cooking club is good for our family. Ashley is like me though and will give anything a try!

didi said...

Love the reviews girls....I am thinking about making this tonight...Let's see what happens...I want mine to be thick more like a curry so I will play with it as well. Leon and the boys love curry dishes, I have a feeling this will be good. Not sure about instant rice though.

Heidi said...

Hi; We are anxious to give it a try. Dad likes curry really well.
Grandma Connie & Heidi